Professional SkillsTechnology
Proficient in Microsoft Office, Inspiration, Photoshop Basics, iMovie, Prezi, Atlas Rubicon, developing and managing e-portfolios, and web 2.0 tools, including wikis, podcasts, Blabberize, VoiceThread, Google Docs, Google Sites, Skype, blogs, nings and Weebly. Coaching Experience employing student-centered and content-centered coaching while building on teachers’ individual needs. Proficient using demonstration lessons with pre/post conversations, co-teaching, and one-to-one coaching to facilitate teachers’ use of instructional strategies, promote teachers’ use of data to inform instructional decision making, and guide teachers’ development of curriculum. Curriculum Development Proficient writing PYP units of inquiry, and stand-alone mathematics, literacy and science units following PYP curriculum framework and/or UbD process. Proficient developing differentiated and technology rich curriculum to meet individual students’ needs. Differentiation Skills Proficient analyzing student work, and using conferring notes and formative checklists to plan for whole class mini-lessons, small group guided instruction and independent learning opportunities that challenge all learners. Math Proficient utilizing AERO Framework, Contexts for Learning, Everyday Mathematics and TERC Investigations as curriculum resources. Skilled using inquiry into relevant contexts, station teaching, guided math, math talk, mental math strings, mathematical models, rekenreks, quick images, and games and reflection as formative assessment. Literacy Skilled using guided reading, interactive writing, small group skill and strategy lessons, book clubs, informal running records and conferring data, and protocols for peer conferring. Proficient utilizing Lucy Caulkin’s Reading and Writing Units, Fountas & Pinnell (Benchmark Assessment, Continuum of Literacy, and Word Study Lessons), Words Their Way, DRA (Directed Reading Assessment), Bonnie Campbell Hill Continuum, 6+1Traits, and Wilson Reading System. Knowledge in how to utilize Fountas & Pinnell Leveled Literacy Intervention for students needing individualized reading intervention. Other Experience supporting students’ development and use of social knowledge and social problem solving skills, using Carol Gray format social stories, comic strip conversations, Brenda Smith Myles format SOCCS, and social scripts. Proficient developing and implementing IEPs (Individualized Education Program). |