Wellness Teaching Philosophy
It is my responsibility as a wellness educator to teach students the knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviors necessary for them to live happy, healthy and productive lives in the 21st century. Knowledge of personal health and fitness, and skills such as communication, leadership, problem-solving, goal setting, reflection, decision making, stress management, relationship management and advocacy are all important to learn. Fostering positive attitudes and productive behaviors that lead to healthy choices needs to begin when students are of school age, as this is the time when lifelong habits begin to form. It is also crucial that at this time students develop an appreciation and passion for maintaining their personal fitness level and overall health. These are all best learned and developed when a classroom environment is created based on support, respect, empathy and encouragement, and learning experiences are relevant, authentic, novel and fun. Within this supportive learning environment, I believe in holding all students to high expectations and meeting individual needs through differentiation in order for each student to yield their highest learning potential.
Students thrive in a classroom community where supportive relationships based on mutual respect are fostered and open, honest communication is valued. Through purposefully planned student-driven agreements, a supportive community is developed that gives students a sense of security and belonging, which allows them to feel comfortable to make mistakes and take risks. Many times success is derived from reflection on mistakes made because of the risks they took. Students who take risks, increase their opportunity for success. It is my job as a teacher to provide learning opportunities outside students’ comfort zone and in their “stretch zone,” which encourages them to think critically and creatively, and take risks that ultimately lead to learning. Teaching necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes influences students’ decisions to adopt healthy behaviors that maintain their mental, emotional, physical and social well-being. Optimal lifelong health can only be accomplished when all four of these areas of an individual’s health are being addressed and balanced. Students need continued opportunities to make personal health goals that address each area of a student’s overall well-being, which they reflect on throughout and across units. Setting goals helps develop internal motivation, which is imperative for their life-long health. Balance may be best attained when Physical Education and Health Education are not viewed as separate entities, but rather taught within one curriculum and incorporated into a students overall wellness program. When taught this way, important connections among knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviors are made more effectively. A comprehensive wellness program would include cross-curricula activities beyond class time and school-wide experiences that promote and support healthy lifestyle choices, which encourage lifelong wellness and makes connections between school, home and community. When developing curriculum aligned to standards and utilizing the Understanding by Design process, the enduring understandings are the driving force for the planning of each unit. Purposefully selecting adventure-based games, outdoor education and integrating different forms of technology when planning enhances learning and guides students toward the enduring understandings. Students are also guided toward enduring understandings when a teacher provides research-based content and norms to give accurate information that can play an influential role in their decision-making toward immediate and lifelong wellness. During the planning of sport-focused units, this is a great opportunity to use the sport as a platform to increase students’ self-concept and teach the necessary lifelong principals of sportsmanship and teamwork that foster character and social development. I am a firm believer that, when facilitated purposely, adventure-based games and activities that allow for relevant and authentic learning experiences will increase self esteem, risk-taking, creativity, trust, leadership, problem-solving, and fitness. These are all essential for learning, success and reaching full potential, which can be transferred from the gym or classroom and into students’ personal lives. Formative and summative assessments show students’ improvement and areas where they still need support. I utilize formative assessments daily to get a better understanding of students’ strengths and weaknesses, so that I can devise curriculum plans to increase student learning and differentiate for individual needs. Formative assessments that provide immediate feedback allow for implementation of immediate changes, which increases learning. Self-assessments, peer-assessments and teacher assessments are all valuable and instructive. As I teach, I continuously engage in professional development to increase my teaching skills and ensure that I am always using best practice when delivering instruction. Living in an ever-changing world, it is my responsibility to continually reflect and further my development as a teacher in order to meet the changing educational needs of my students. Guiding students to develop an appreciation for their personal health by providing fun and authentic learning opportunities are essential for their wellbeing and happiness throughout their school years and across their lifetime. Through participating in a comprehensive wellness program, students will develop the skills, knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors needed that will allow them to live happy, healthy and productive lives. Management Philosophy It is my belief that discipline starts before the behaviors do. At the beginning of the school year, teacher implemented structures and student-driven agreements are established. When students create their own agreements, they take ownership and are more likely to be internally motivated to follow them. Well-established structures and routines allow for clear expectations, which supports positive behavior. It has also been my experience that when creative, high energy and engaging lessons are well planned, discipline problems are minimized and student success is increased. In a class community that provides support and encouragement for one another, where students learn from their mistakes and experience success, it is inevitable that students´ self-esteem will increase, discipline problems will diminish, and learning will occur. |