“We inspire all of our students to continuous inquiry, empowering them with the skills, courage, optimism, and integrity to pursue their dreams and enhance the lives of others,” states the ASB Mission Statement. This was an influential factor that drew me to my last teaching position at The American School of Bombay (ASB), and ironically also led me to leave this same job, a job that I truly loved.
As a teacher, I internalized this mission and built learning opportunities for students to allow them to live their school’s mission of pursuing their dreams. In the process, it helped me to personally inquire on a deeper level about my own dreams and ultimately influenced me to not let my dreams of traveling the world without time constraints to wait any longer. Since leaving ASB in June 2011, my partner Jennifer and I have put our lives as teachers on hold to live our dream of travelling the world in pursuit of open adventure. We have travelled across four continents, slept in gers with nomadic families in Mongolia, climbed thousand year old Buddhist ruins in Myanmar, traversed the spine of the Andes Mountains by bicycle, drank straight from glaciated streams in Patagonia, spent quality time with our beloved family and met new friends everywhere we went. I rode solo by bike teaching English in remote Bolivian villages, danced in a small Altiplano village fiesta and was woken by a herd of alpaca. As I write this, we continue to live novel experiences in obscure corners of the world that up until now, I have only dreamed about. The late Randy Pausch was quoted in the Last Lecture as saying, “Luck is where preparation meets opportunity.” I have lost count of how many friends, family members and strangers have told me how “lucky” I am. Analyzing my experiences through the eyes of Randy Pausch, I must agree. However, most people see luck as something that happens to us, rather than something that we create. I share the same philosophy as Pausch, in that I believe I have created my own luck. It has taken me years of preparation, before I was afforded the opportunity to live this dream. As a teacher, I am passionate about supporting students as they develop the skills to create their own luck by identifying a vision, exploring perspectives, and pairing their dreams with diligent preparation. One of my favorite units that I teach during Health is the Dreams unit, which allows students to ponder on a deeper level what their dreams are, regardless of how lofty they may seem. This unit has tremendous personal value for students, helping them reflect and make connections as it relates to every other health topic covered in the curriculum. Dreaming big is a valued part of my life. As a person who understands the value of letting myself dream big, I also know the sacrifices necessary and the courage it takes to pursue dreams despite fears of the unknown and the never ending “what if” questions. Experience has taught me that the best way to increase my “luck” is to dream big. As many adults in today’s society struggle to make ends meet, let alone live their dreams, I feel very fortunate, and yes, even “lucky,” to be living one of my many dreams. As I continue to pursue my own dreams, I also look forward to being part of a school community again to collaborate with others and inspire and support students to pursue their dreams. |