Khairat Village, a small rural farming village, located 2 hours outside of Mumbai has 20 houses with a population of 200 residents and an elementary school of twenty students. This agricultural village has a 15% literacy rate, with its first resident graduating from high school just five years ago. In the two years that the CSR group, consisting of 9th and 10th graders from ASB worked with Khairat Village School, they were able to create a literacy program, organize the school's first library with 200 donated books, provide teaching resources, new chalk boards, cork boards for hanging student work, and educational games.
Although the Community Empowerment Team (CET) also worked with Khairat Village School, the focus and outcomes of the CSR group were different. The focus of the CSR group was to improve aspects of the school unrelated to technology integration. |
Image Credits:
Photos of students taken and shared by Tash McCarroll
Photo of teacher taken and shared by TyAnne Rezac